Long story short: We are crafting a handmade scrapbook to gift to Taylor on August 5th. We are inviting fans to submit stories to include in this scrapbook. We named it A Chronicle of Eras. Before handing the scrapbook off to Taylor, we’ll scan it and you can read it for free (though we may redact a few of the more personal letters to Taylor. We’ll discuss).

We won’t be able to include every submission in the physical scrapbook, but we still want to give Taylor the chance to read everyone’s stories. So we plan on printing out all the stories for Taylor, and gifting them to her along with the scrapbook. If Taylor knows about the scrapbook, she will be able to read your letters to her. We’re calling this full collection ACOE (Swiftie’s Version): “From the Vault”

  • Good question! It will look like a scrapbook! We are using paper! Stickers! Magazine cut-outs! Glitter! Glue! Etc! A real, honest, hand-made millennial scrapbook. We want to put our blood, sweat, and tears into this. Metaphorically. We want to make Taylor feel how she makes us feel. Emotionally wrecked in the best way.

  • We are thinking 10ish stories for each era, so 100 all total? Ultimately, we will decide as we hand-assemble each page. Our imaginations will dictate the final number.

  • Blame Mary. Cassidy wants to create a 1000000000 page scrapbook that includes everyone. Mary is okay with being the bad guy.

  • YES! We will scan each page and have it available as a PDF and/or a video and it'll be so cool. You don't even know.

  • 1) We will email you your story so you can edit it before we add it to the scrapbook. We don’t want a re-write, we just want to make things look good.

    2) We will ask if you would like to keep your story private - just between you and Taylor. If so, we’ll just blur that part out when we scan the book to share with y’all.

    3) We will email you a pic of the scrapbook page with your story — a little “sneak peek” before Taylor even sees it!

    4) We will gift the book to Taylor

    5) We will share pics and scans of the scrapbook so everyone can see all the pages! (Again, we can blur your story for the public).

A Chronicle of Eras: Scrapbook for Taylor

  • Hey there, buddy. Hold up. There’s no “not good enough” in this project. The stories included in the scrapbook are chosen based on the quality of content - yes - but we also have to account for a bunch other factors out of your control. We want a mixture of emotions, we want to include a mixture of ages, we have to account for physical space.

    So don’t sweat it. You are perfect. That’s why we created this “From the Vault” version. Because your story is important.

  • We will be giving her a printed copy of this PDF along with the scrapbook on Aug 5, unless it's like 100000000 pages long.

    At that point, we'll probably do something else. But she will know that this "From the Vault" version exists and she and her team will have access to view it.

  • It's going have notes of tumblr and hints of a well-formatted list. Aka your stories and pictures will be what makes it amazing. Aka... we are not trying to make a second book.

  • No. No. No. That's not what we are doing here. Have you been paying attention??

  • Just email us at a.chronicle.of.eras@gmail.com and we will remove your submission from the PDF.

    ***Please note: We may be able to edit submissions, but it is not guaranteed. We will honor all delete requests, but may not have the bandwidth to go in, edit, and republish multiple times.

  • At first we were planning of making this public.

    But we changed our minds.

    As we were reading your submissions, we realized that y’all REALLY opened up in all the best ways. It feels like we are reading precious letters between close friends. Very intimate. Incredibly delicate.

    We are honored you trusted us to relay your stories to Taylor. But we realize these are not our stories to share. We are the mere stewards at this point.

    Our goal is for Taylor to read as many of your submissions as she’d like. That’s it. It’s a beautiful pivot.

  • Trust.

ACOE (Swiftie’s Version): “From the Vault”

  • Yes yes yes! This project is for all Swifties who want to thank Taylor via a sweet story about being a fan.

  • Nope! It is not a required field. But if you have a cat, then yes. We need to see your cat. We love cats.

  • Cats. Sorry, cats. Im sorry ca cat cas ctas cats.

  • We want to know your earlier memory of being a Swiftie. Or about a core memory of why she means so much to you. Dancing to her when you got ready for school, attending your first concert, experiencing a friend breakup... the list goes on.

  • A Chronicle Of Eras: The Scrapbook: Photos will be used in collages, and maybe included with a story (when appropriate)

    ACOF (Swifties’ Version): “From the Vault”: If we figure it out, we’ll include photos with the submitted story. Maybe. We’ll circle back.

    Social Media: We may use your photos in posts. If we publish a photo online that you want removed, let us know and we’ll take it down.

  • Please only submit one or two photos.

    We are looking for the following types of photos: Pictures of you and Taylor (real or otherwise), photos of you dressed as Taylor, photos of you at concerts, photos of you with her albums, photos that help illustrate your story, your Taylor-inspired tattoos or, of course, photos of your cats.

    Please only submit photos that you own.

  • No. Haha.
    You can resubmit, just use the same email when you fill out the form, so we know the new submission replaces the old submission.

    But we can’t send you the post and then do a whole email exchange and make it a big old thing. We just can’t.


  • Cass (born 1990, Capricorn like Andrea) is a Swiftie who is a writer, wanderer, and all-around rainbow, and she once made a similar type of scrapbook for her sister. And it was epic.

    Mary (born 1989, Aquarius like Ed) is a Swifie who specializes in graphic design and stationery, and she unironically thinks that CATS should be considered an era.

    We are friends. We are creative. We will make a good scrapbook. We will try our best. And our best is the best we can do.

  • We are two adult women with full and rich lives. This is free. This is a free thing. We are not Amazon. But honestly we prob have better customer service than amazon and such because, again, are two adult women. We are not a company. We are not a corporation. At best, we are two small raccoons in sailor hats eating cupcakes (and/or 48-ish hours)

  • We live in California. We are adults. Our auras are moonstone. Trust the process.



By submitting via our website, you agree to allow us to use your words, art, and images on here on our website, on our instagram, and (possibly!) in the scrapbook we are gifting to Taylor during her Eras tour. If you’d like to get credited for your submission, please add in your name and instagram handle. Otherwise, your submission will be added anonymously.

Want to edit, change, or remove a submission? Please contact us via the form below.

Submissions should be original - please refrain from using other people’s art or images unless you have written permission to do so. If you believe a submission to be subject to copyright or incorrectly attributed, please contact us.

Submitting does not guarantee your submission will be published on our website or socials. We have a very specific vision, and we may pass on any submission for any reason. We’ll try to respond to all submissions, but we are also adult ladies with jobs so please be patient with us.

We do not accept submissions from those younger than 13 (sorry! It’s a legal thing)

The scrapbook will not be sold for profit. We plan to scan the pages to create a PDF to freely share with the Swiftie community.

If that changes, we plan to reach out to each contributor to get their permission to use their art commercially.

Questions, Comments, and Issues

Note this is a comment form, this is NOT the form to add your story to the scrapbook. That form is here.